"The Word of God is LIVING and powerful..."

We are a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Jesus Centered

Bible Believing

#2 Rd 2978,

Aztec, NM 87410




#2 Rd 2978

Aztec, NM 87410

Jesus Centered

Bible Believing


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You can create an account to set up automatic recurring donations or make single donations at any time. Your account manager will keep track of your donations so that you can easily print out end-of-year statements and track your charitable contributions. A quick give option is also available if you do not need an account. Bible Alive Theater and its entities are a ministry of Green Ridge Ministries, a New Mexico 501c3. We have been in continuous existence as a registered non-profit since 2003. You can also use your bank’s Bill Pay service.

If you would like to make a donation in excess of $2500, we ask that you please consider mailing a check in order that your full contribution will be applied to the ministry free of merchant account fees. Thanks so much!